Institute of Physics Complex and Nonlinear Physics Group – a complexity retrospective
This online conference took place in 2021, under the auspices of the Institute of Physics, was entitled ‘A Complexity Retrospective’. It celebrated the work of Peter Allen, Ralph Stacey, Paul Cilliers and David Byrne and we also had a guest appearance of renowned complexity economist, Brian Arthur. We followed it up with a series of short interviews with, amongst others, Rika Preiser, Danny Burns, Patricia Shaw, Michael Batty, Mike Jackson and others.
Adaptive political economy
A talk given by Yuen Yuen Ang at the School of Oriental Studies in London in June 2024, focused on the idea of an adaptive political economy, at which I was a discussant and gave a short contribution. I loved her co-evolutionary approach and the role of government in shaping but not controlling economic goals and intentions, but I wanted to reframe a little her take on complexity.