Written by Jean Boulton, Peter Allen and Cliff Bowman
Published in 2015 by Oxford University Press
Embracing Complexity presents complexity thinking as a way of understanding how the world works; it challenges the dominant expectation that leaders can control the evolution of the social and organisational world.
In the book, we sought to bring to life what complexity thinking is about, before considering what it meant for managers and policy makers.
The first part of the book is about the theory and ideas of complexity. This is explained in a way that is thorough but not mathematical. It compares differing approaches, and also provides a historical perspective, showing how such thinking has been around since the beginning of civilisation. It emphasises the difference between a complexity worldview and the dominant mechanical worldview that underpins much of current management practice. It defines the complexity worldview as recognising the world is interconnected, shaped by history and the particularities of context.
From complexity to simplicity

The authors span both science and management, academia and practice, thus the explanations of science are authoritative and yet the examples of changing how you live and work in the world are real and accessible.
The book ends on a more personal note – what is the key message of complexity thinking for each of us as authors.