Weaving together my background in theoretical physics, interest in Daoism and practical experience in management and social change, I explore the science behind complexity thinking and consider its implications for the way we live and work.
What does it mean to embrace complexity - as individuals, organisations, societies and the global future? How do we embrace the inherently complex, systemic, processual and emerging nature of ‘reality’?
If you recognise the inherent uncertainty and surprise that is the nature of things, if you feel concerned about the way we, as governments and societies and businesses, are co-creating the future, I hope you will find relevant material here.
I’ve included short musings and blogs, where I develop themes from my recent book, The Dao of Complexity. And I love to dialogue, give talks, teach, and consult on these topics – in different contexts, with diverse groups, and in many locations around the world. Do please subscribe for updates and get in touch for further conversation.
What we do matters: I hope that understanding and embracing life’s inherent complexity will help us create a sustainable, just and rewarding future.

About Me



